Monday, February 23, 2015

Tropical Island Day

Better late than never! We had great fun last Monday on our tropical island at school. We had hula hoop and limbo contest, listened to tropical music, and wrote about what it would be like to be stranded on a tropical island. 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Friday the 13th

This Friday the 13th was the best day ever! Not only was it our Valentine's Day party, but we had a surprise guest. Our soldier, Dylan Paul, and his mom surprised us! Dylan graduated yesterday and arrived home in Pec at 1:00am this morning. He came to meet the kids and thank them for their letters and cards. The kids loved meeting Dylan and asking him questions. An hour after he left, it was time for our Valentine's party! It was a great day for sure!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Welcome Back!!

I hope everyone had a peaceful, relaxing break! I know I did, but I sure missed my kiddos. We got right back to work this morning and are hitting it hard! I have just a couple of reminders as we begin second semester. If you have not sent an accordion folder to school yet, please do so by the end of the week. Also, Mrs. Schwuchow still has a few openings for Healthy Heroes. If you are interested, please let me know ASAP and I will forward your info on to her. Finally, winter has arrived! Please, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately when they leave for school. Too many little ones didn't have hats, gloves, or boots this extremely cold morning. Have a wonderfully wintry week!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Tomorrow is our feast at the Torstensen Center. The property is located on Cook Rd. From Telegraph Rd, turn left onto Wiegert, then left on Cook. This will wrap up the Pilgrim unit we have been working on all month. We've been learning SO much and doing lots of reading and writing!  Our feast will begin at 1:00, and we will leave at 2:30 to return to school. Thank you to those of you that sent food for our feast or volunteered to help with set up and clean up. I couldn't do it without you!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


We have been working very hard on our Pilgrim unit! We are learning a lot about how hard it was for the Pilgrims to make it in the new land. It's also been interesting to see which groups work together and which groups have too many "leaders". We are all looking forward to our feast next week, but I'm i desperate need of your help! We have plenty of drinks and corn, but nothing else for our feast. If you are able to donate any of the other items on our list, please let me know as soon as possible. In order for this to be successful, we really need your help! 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It's Concert Time!

Tonight's the night! We have been working hard in the classroom and in music. First you will be entertained by our wonderful third graders performing at the high school, then we will return to the elementary school where we will share our spooky stories and scary projects. Remember to be at the high school no later than 6:10! I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight!! In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of tonight's performance. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

Fun at the Torstensen Property

We spent our morning out at the ICF property. It was a beautiful day to be outside! We went on a hike, and learned about animal tracks and different plants. There were lots of animal pelts for us to see and touch too. We also got to use the binoculars, which was a first for many of us. But the best part was when we went on the Scat Hunt! Be sure to ask your child to tell you about it!! They did really well with the identification process! It was a great trip! We are hoping to go back this winter to look for animal tracks in the snow.